Integration Network provides seminars that are lively, succinct, and "hands-on" - even when online! You experience the positive effects of Brain Gym yourself, and come away with the confidence to apply it clearly in your own life and in the lives of those for whom you have some responsibility. Seminars are customized to fit the common values and interests of participants, addressing what is most wanted and needed. Call first and leave a clear voice message with your phone number in order to confirm space in the class of your choice: 972-475-5104. All events are offered in Central Time. E-mail the instructor at for registration information.
All of the workshops are being provided online via Zoom. For more details, please click ≡ above which leads you to additional workshops.
"STRESS RESOLUTION" 90 minutes: Experience a sequence of safe and simple activities especially for relieving stress. This includes several relaxing Brain Gym movements and a gentle meridian-tapping technique frequently used to defuse the pain of extreme stress. The session is designed to be immediately helpful and can be repeated as often as needed afterwards, using the free follow-up materials. Cost is $45.
Saturdays usually from 10:00am to 11:30am Central Days, dates and times may be negotiated. Contact
"Brain Gym® Day" In this lively introductory workshop, participants learn how to use special physical movements that can lead to relaxed alertness and sharp concentration. This session addresses improvement of organization, focus, and communication skills. "Brain Gym Day" can be counted as the first day of "Brain Gym 104," and is offered via Zoom in Rowlett, Texas. Cost is $165 depending on whether or not you already have the Dennisons' required BRAIN GYM TEACHER'S EDITION 2010. Eight hours credit 9:00 to 6:00pm Central.
"Brain Gym 104: Brain Gym 26 Movements"
This active two-day introductory course provides in-depth experience with all 26 Brain Gym movements as well as a clear understanding of the Brain Gym philosophy. Either this class or the "Brain Gym Day" workshop is recommended before attending the more comprehensive "BRAIN GYM 101."
Come to achieve mastery of the movements and also (if you choose) to pursue the Brain Gym 104 26 Movement Facilitator license. Upon completion of this course and two additional courses (plus case studies) licensed Facilitators are free to earn income teaching this course and more. Cost is $310 or $270 if you already have the required BRAIN GYM TEACHER'S EDITION 2010. 9:00 to 6:00 Central = 16 hours.
"Brain Gym® 101" 24 hours This is the foundational 24-hour Brain Gym Seminar. It is for those who want a truly in-depth understanding of Brain Gym and its application to a wide variety of students/clients in very real and specific circumstances. Life-changing results can be had with such expertise. Participants will master the relaxing Learning Readiness Sequence (PACE), all 26 Brain Gym Movements, Dennison's exceptional Laterality Repatterning, Three-Dimensional Repatterning, and the powerful Action Balance Process (breakthrough results for specific goals).
The three-day (24-hour) Brain Gym® 101 Seminar is offered four times per year. Each event will be held 9 am - 6 pm Central online from Rowlett, Texas. See "Brain Gym 101" tab on this website for upcoming dates and other details. Tuition is $410 ($370 if you already have the required BRAIN GYM TEACHER'S EDITION 2010). The instructor recommends taking "Brain Gym Day" or "Brain Gym 104" before attending "Brain Gym 101."
The tuition includes 24 hours of instruction by licensed Brain Gym Instructor, Tracy Sellers + handouts as well as the Brain Gym 101 Course Manual and a free subscription to the Brain Gym International e-newsletter. Click the "Brain Gym 101" tab on this website.
"Optimal Brain Organization 201" 16 hours
The Brain Gym processes learned in this dynamic two-day class offer the opportunity to access all sensory channels. The Brain Profile (of dominances) provides an understanding and appreciation of a person's own uniqueness and the special ways one functions in the world. Participants learn techniques for improving dexterity in many academic areas, as well as how to apply one's unique giftedness to stressful situations. Cost is $284 or $269 if you already have the required book THE DOMINANCE FACTOR by Carla Hannaford. Pre-requisite: "Brain Gym 101."
This course is offered three times each year, usually on two consecutive Saturdays. See the "Brain Organization 201" tab on this website for detailed information. 9:00-6:00 Central each day for two days = 16 hours
"Visioncircles 220" 24 hours
In this four-day (24-hour) experiential workshop, each participant explores his/her own personal world of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic awareness. Each lesson provides varied opportunities to expand perceptual abilities through movement, play, art, and Vision Gym activities. Developmental skills from childhood can be refreshed or fulfilled, with many opportunities for learning to see, hear, and move in new ways. Cost is $385. Pre-requisite: "Brain Gym 101."
See "Visioncircles 220" tab on this website for details. Times are 9am - 4pm Central on the 1st, 3rd and 4th days, and 1pm - 8pm or
2 pm- 9pm on the 2nd day.
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